Venue: Galaxy hotel, Krakow, Poland
Participant countries: there were 12 participant countries:
*6 countries representing etwinning: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, United Kingdom
* 6 countries representing etwinning plus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Tunisia and Ukraine
The Tunisian team: there were 4 participants: Ahmed Messaoudi, PSA & team leader; Neji Omrani, representing primary school teachers; Sami Hammami, representing middle school teachers; Najoua Dahmeni, representing secondary school teachers.
Purpose of the seminar: As the name suggests, the seminar aimed at getting participants to know one another, present their ideas of a project, look for partners and decide on a project together.
Content highlights: the seminar was a marvelous, unparalleled opportunity to get in touch with teachers from different countries and continents and to work on projects that are likely to bring people together regardless of language and race barriers.
The seminar encompassed other interesting activities and events such as the Tunisian surprise for the etwinners (some Tunisian sweets and pastry as well as gifts and posters).
It also included some inspiring presentations which were very instructive and enriching.
At the end of the seminar, all the participants were awarded certificates of attendance.
Outcome: The seminar was crowned with complete success. In fact, all the projects suggested by the participants were approved by the committee and every participant was engaged in at least one project with two or more different countries; and the Tunisian team will work on 5 different projects with several countries:
* PROJECT 1 – Creative ideas, create things: a project highlighting the environmental problems of each participating country and suggesting remedies.
– Neji Omrani, Ecole Primaire Essouani, Houmt souk Djerba , TUNISIA
– Jolana Stryckova Gymnázium Olgy Havlové, Ostrava – Poruba, Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
– Lilit Antonyan High school N 43 after G. Zohrap, ARMENIA
– Nana Edisherashvili, Gori Public School #8, Gori, GEORGIE
– Tatiana Popa, Liceul Teoretic Gheorghe Asachi Chisinau, Chisinau, MOLDAVIA
– Viera Bendikova, Základná škola s materskou školou, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
* PROJECT 2 – What’s the matter?: Students create a series of cartoon strips about teenage issues such as addiction which they will later use in a campaign launched in the local communities to sensitize them to those problems.
– Najoua Dahmeni, Lycée Pilote de Sousse, TUNISIA
– John Warwick, St Luke’s School, UNITED KINGDOM
– Dominika Tokarz, Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Bobowej, POLAND
* PROJECT 3 – One World, One Race, Many Cultures: A project about tolerance, a much-needed value in order to promote love and peace in the world. The final product will be a commercial to be broadcast on youtube and other websites.
– Najoua Dahmeni, Lycée Pilote de Sousse, TUNISIA
– Iwona Jodlowska, Liceum Ogólnokształcące No. 11, POLAND
– John Warwick, St Luke’s School, UNITED KINGDOM
* PROJECT 4 – We Are One: A project about discovering similarities and differences between the partners…developing the mutual knowledge over traditions, customs, lifestyle, hobbies, holidays, religion and cuisine to create a virtual guidebook.
– Najoua Dahmeni, Lycée Pilote de Sousse, TUNISIA
– Lucyna Nocoń-Kobiór, Zespół Szkół nr 1 w Pszczynie, POLAND
– Iveta Truhlářová, Základní škola Česká Lípa, CZECH REPUBLIC
– Soňa Grestyová, Evanjelické kolegiálne gymnázium, SLOVAKIA
– Yuliia Salivonchyk, Specialized school № 17 of Cherkasy, UKRAINE
– John Warwick, St Luke’s School, UNITED KINGDOM
PROJECT 5 : WALK OF FAME – idols and heroes of teenagers : The project will be carried out by the students at the age of 12-15. They will prepare the tasks about the people they admire, about those who inspires them. They will present their works in form of presentations, videos and articles.
PROJECT 6: Recipes for kids: Primary and Secondary school children of two different countries will get in touch trough ICT in order to exchange and cook traditional recipes of their land. The result will be registered in a short e-book.
PROJECT 7 : Communiquons avec goût! Comunichiamo con gusto!: diffuser les connaissances des différentes habitudes alimentaires, des traditions, des spécialités, des produits typiques et de la cuisine de pays partenaires. Vorremmo divulgare la conoscenza delle diverse abitudini alimentari, delle tradizioni, delle specialità, dei prodotti tipici,della gastronomia e la cucina dei paesi partner.
4-Découvrir une ville étrangère à travers le Moyen Age, grâce à des visites culturelles et à des ateliers.
Deborah barbati, college jules verne, FRANCE
Mauna kameneff, Lycée Français de Prague, REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE
Cathy streit, college jules verne, FRANCE
Sami Hammami, Ecole préparatoire pilote Ibn Rochd, TUNISIE
Serenella Parolin, ICS 2 di Spinea – Plesso Secondaria di I Grado « G. Vico », ITALIE
Antonietta Trozzi, ICS 3 di Chieti, Italie
Giovanna Marchese, Istituto Comprensivo Statale « Ettore Sacconi » Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado, ITALIE
Nevence Maneva, Primary school Dimkata Angelov – Gaberot, v.Vatasa, FYROM (MACEDOINE)
IONEL BADICA, Scoala gimnaziala Celeiu, ROUMANIE
Appreciations/Recommendations: The seminar was beyond a shadow of a doubt a very fruitful and enriching experience for all the participants, without exception. It has given a fresh impetus for the etwinning and etwinning plus project and fired the participants’ enthusiasm in such a way that many of them started working on the very first day. It is worth mentioning that the seminar was a great opportunity to showcase the Tunisian talent which left a tremendous impression on all the participants. That’s why I would highly recommend the organization of similar events.
Tunisian Team : Najoua Dehmani, Néji Omrani, Sami Hammami, Ahmed Messaoudi
Venue: Galaxy hotel, Krakow, Poland
Participant countries: there were 12 participant countries:
*6 countries representing etwinning: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, United Kingdom
* 6 countries representing etwinning plus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Tunisia and Ukraine
The Tunisian team: there were 4 participants: Ahmed Messaoudi, PSA & team leader; Neji Omrani, representing primary school teachers; Sami Hammami, representing middle school teachers; Najoua Dahmeni, representing secondary school teachers.
Purpose of the seminar: As the name suggests, the seminar aimed at getting participants to know one another, present their ideas of a project, look for partners and decide on a project together.
Content highlights: the seminar was a marvelous, unparalleled opportunity to get in touch with teachers from different countries and continents and to work on projects that are likely to bring people together regardless of language and race barriers.
The seminar encompassed other interesting activities and events such as the Tunisian surprise for the etwinners (some Tunisian sweets and pastry as well as gifts and posters).
It also included some inspiring presentations which were very instructive and enriching.
At the end of the seminar, all the participants were awarded certificates of attendance.
Outcome: The seminar was crowned with complete success. In fact, all the projects suggested by the participants were approved by the committee and every participant was engaged in at least one project with two or more different countries; and the Tunisian team will work on 5 different projects with several countries:
* PROJECT 1 – Creative ideas, create things: a project highlighting the environmental problems of each participating country and suggesting remedies.
– Neji Omrani, Ecole Primaire Essouani, Houmt souk Djerba , TUNISIA
– Jolana Stryckova Gymnázium Olgy Havlové, Ostrava – Poruba, Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
– Lilit Antonyan High school N 43 after G. Zohrap, ARMENIA
– Nana Edisherashvili, Gori Public School #8, Gori, GEORGIE
– Tatiana Popa, Liceul Teoretic Gheorghe Asachi Chisinau, Chisinau, MOLDAVIA
– Viera Bendikova, Základná škola s materskou školou, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
* PROJECT 2 – What’s the matter?: Students create a series of cartoon strips about teenage issues such as addiction which they will later use in a campaign launched in the local communities to sensitize them to those problems.
– Najoua Dahmeni, Lycée Pilote de Sousse, TUNISIA
– John Warwick, St Luke’s School, UNITED KINGDOM
– Dominika Tokarz, Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Bobowej, POLAND
* PROJECT 3 – One World, One Race, Many Cultures: A project about tolerance, a much-needed value in order to promote love and peace in the world. The final product will be a commercial to be broadcast on youtube and other websites.
– Najoua Dahmeni, Lycée Pilote de Sousse, TUNISIA
– Iwona Jodlowska, Liceum Ogólnokształcące No. 11, POLAND
– John Warwick, St Luke’s School, UNITED KINGDOM
* PROJECT 4 – We Are One: A project about discovering similarities and differences between the partners…developing the mutual knowledge over traditions, customs, lifestyle, hobbies, holidays, religion and cuisine to create a virtual guidebook.
– Najoua Dahmeni, Lycée Pilote de Sousse, TUNISIA
– Lucyna Nocoń-Kobiór, Zespół Szkół nr 1 w Pszczynie, POLAND
– Iveta Truhlářová, Základní škola Česká Lípa, CZECH REPUBLIC
– Soňa Grestyová, Evanjelické kolegiálne gymnázium, SLOVAKIA
– Yuliia Salivonchyk, Specialized school № 17 of Cherkasy, UKRAINE
– John Warwick, St Luke’s School, UNITED KINGDOM
PROJECT 5 : WALK OF FAME – idols and heroes of teenagers : The project will be carried out by the students at the age of 12-15. They will prepare the tasks about the people they admire, about those who inspires them. They will present their works in form of presentations, videos and articles.
PROJECT 6: Recipes for kids: Primary and Secondary school children of two different countries will get in touch trough ICT in order to exchange and cook traditional recipes of their land. The result will be registered in a short e-book.
PROJECT 7 : Communiquons avec goût! Comunichiamo con gusto!: diffuser les connaissances des différentes habitudes alimentaires, des traditions, des spécialités, des produits typiques et de la cuisine de pays partenaires. Vorremmo divulgare la conoscenza delle diverse abitudini alimentari, delle tradizioni, delle specialità, dei prodotti tipici,della gastronomia e la cucina dei paesi partner.
4-Découvrir une ville étrangère à travers le Moyen Age, grâce à des visites culturelles et à des ateliers.
deborah barbati, college jules verne, FRANCE
mauna kameneff, Lycée Français de Prague, REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE
cathy streit, college jules verne, FRANCE
Sami Hammami, Ecole préparatoire pilote Ibn Rochd, TUNISIE
Serenella Parolin, ICS 2 di Spinea – Plesso Secondaria di I Grado « G. Vico », ITALIE
Antonietta Trozzi, ICS 3 di Chieti, Italie
Giovanna Marchese, Istituto Comprensivo Statale « Ettore Sacconi » Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado, ITALIE
Nevence Maneva, Primary school Dimkata Angelov – Gaberot, v.Vatasa, FYROM (MACEDOINE)
IONEL BADICA, Scoala gimnaziala Celeiu, ROUMANIE
Appreciations/Recommendations: The seminar was beyond a shadow of a doubt a very fruitful and enriching experience for all the participants, without exception. It has given a fresh impetus for the etwinning and etwinning plus project and fired the participants’ enthusiasm in such a way that many of them started working on the very first day. It is worth mentioning that the seminar was a great opportunity to showcase the Tunisian talent which left a tremendous impression on all the participants. That’s why I would highly recommend the organization of similar events.
Najoua Dahmeni , Neji Omrani; Sami Hammami, Ahmed Messaoudi,